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======= Nocto Loco ======= ====== PCB 1.2 (kit from 4ms Pedals) ====== * [[PC Board kit building]] General instructions for building kits with pot-mounting pc boards. * PCB: * [[|PCB top view (no traces)]] * [[|PCB layout with traces]] * EPS: {{wiki:nocto:pcb1.2c.eps}} * [[|Wiring Diagram]] * Parts Lists: * [[Nocto parts|Text Parts list]] * [[|Graphical Parts List]] * [[|Schematic]] * [[|Box Drilling Template]] * [[Nocto Trim Pots]] Note on adjusting trim pots * Convert a nocto kit to a Mondo Nocto: {{wiki:nocto:mondo:mondo_wiring.pdf}} * [[|Purchase kit from 4ms Pedals]]

commonsound/nocto.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/16 20:04 by
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