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====== PCB 1.7 (kit from 4ms Pedals) ====== * [[PC Board kit building]] General instructions for building kits with pot-mounting pc boards. * [[atonerPCBparts|Text Parts List]] * Graphical Parts List [[|page 1]], [[|page 2]] * [[|Wiring Diagram]] updated 2009-04-02 * [[|Schematic]] * [[|Box Drilling Template]] * [[|Purchase kit from 4ms Pedals]] === Mods === * Tone Sweep Parts List [[|(graphical)]] [[atonerPCBmodsparts|(text)]] * [[|Tonesweep Wiring Diagram]] * [[|Box Drilling Template with TS]] ====== Point-to-Point (DIY) Board ====== * [[|Board diagram]] point-to-point board * [[|Big diagram ]] * [[|Drill layout]] === Tweaking === * [[|Tweaking diagram]] * [[|Tweaking guide page 1 of 3]] * [[|Tweaking guide page 2 of 3]] * [[|Tweaking guide page 3 of 3]] === Mods === * [[|Tonesweep mod ]] * [[|Rickle mod ]] * [[Envelope Release]] === Additional info === * [[|Schematic]] updated to version 1.6 * [[Atoner parts|Parts list]] * [[Atoner mods parts|Mods parts list]] * [[Atoner hardware|Hardware mounting list]] * [[|Board diagram]] etched copper pcb board * [[Atoner controls]]

commonsound/atoner.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/16 20:06 by
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